Monday, February 10, 2025

Friday, February 7, 2025

Homecoming Week is Here!

 We will have the spelling and vocabulary tests that were scheduled for Friday on Monday, February 10.  

We will NOT have a spelling and vocabulary quiz this week.

Continue to work on your IXL Skill Suggestions.  You WILL NEED to turn that into me after you have completed your skills.  

If you would like to make a poster for the Homecoming Contest, you can turn it in Monday.

Penny Wars start Monday as well as the Merchandise Sale.

Friday, January 31, 2025

A Look Ahead


The deadline for Young Writer's Stories is Friday, February 7.  You are more than welcome to turn it in early on paper, or to my email at  

Next week we will be using our IXL data to pinpoint which skills you need to work on in grammar.  We will then develop a personalized plan for you.  

Vocabulary and spelling tests will resume on a regular schedule.

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Change of Plans

Change of Plans

  • We will not be having a spelling/vocabulary test this Friday.  
  • The deadline for your Young Writer's Story has been moved to next Friday, February 7.  If you can turn it in early, that is great!  You do have more time than we originally thought, however.  So take your time and write a good story!
  • Many of you have not finished your IXL snapshot.  You must do that during school hours before Friday.  Please see me if you need to work on that.  This data is very important.  It help us help you succeed.
  • Finally, Do everything as unto the Lord!  Keep up the good work.  You have almost made it through January. 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

January 27-31

 This is the last week of January!   Time is going by so quickly.  I will return to class on Tuesday.  You will not have English class on Monday due to the seminar.  We will still have a spelling/vocabulary test on Friday. I will give you the words on Tuesday.  We will also begin writing our Young Writers Stories and continue with grammar skills.   

I look forward to seeing you all Tuesday.   Keep working hard and make this semester a success.  

I John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.